

Tokenの取得. アプリケーションは MediaSessionCompat.Token 、などのを必要 とするAPIに依存している場合があります PlayerNotificationManager 。media2 MediaSessionのトークンを取得するには、次を MediaSessionUtil.

public MediaRouterParams: getRouterParams() Gets parameters of the media router service associated with this MediaSessionCompat.Token! Creates a compat Token from a framework object. This method is only supported on android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP and later. The following examples show how to use .These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. Android APIs. android; android.accessibilityservice; android.accounts; android.animation; android.annotation Obtaining a MediaSessionCompat.Token Your application may depend on APIs that require a MediaSessionCompat.Token, such as PlayerNotificationManager.

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Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates Android开发手册. Back. API level: one of main reason can be the property of DLL you must before do any thing to check the specific version property if it true make it false .

Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates


First open the Gradle view on the right side of Androidstudio, in your app's item go to Tasks then Android then right-click androidDependencies then choose Run: This can also mean you use a library, which exposes (public) types that are defined in a library. Even when you do not use these specifically in your library (the one that doesn't build)..

* Once a session is created the owner of the session may pass its * {@link # getSessionToken() session token} to other

* MediaSessionCompat objects are not thread safe and all calls should be made * from the same th

アプリケーションは MediaSessionCompat.Token 、などのを必要 とするAPIに依存している場合があります PlayerNotificationManager 。media2 MediaSessionのトークンを取得するには、次を MediaSessionUtil.

* Once a session is created the owner of the session may pass its * {@link # getSessionToken() session token} to other

* MediaSessionCompat objects are not thread safe and all calls should be made * from the same th NotificationCompat.Style { /** * Extracts a {@link MediaSessionCompat.Token} from the extra values * in the {@link MediaStyle} {@link Notification notification}. * * @param notification The notification to extract a {@link MediaSessionCom 2015年7月7日 v7のパッケージに実装した理由がMediaSessionCompatがv7なのかと思いました が、v4ですね。。 MediaSessionCompat.Token.


android; android.accessibilityservice; android.accounts; android.animation; android.annotation Sep 21, 2020 · Obtaining a MediaSessionCompat.Token Your application may depend on APIs that require a MediaSessionCompat.Token, such as PlayerNotificationManager.


Once connected, we’ll gain access to the MediaSessionCompat.Token. The Token is what allows us to then create a MediaControllerCompat . Note: in this case, we connected from within a token - The MediaSessionCompat.Token. setBadgeIconType public final void setBadgeIconType (int badgeIconType) Sets the badge icon type of the notification. Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates Android开发手册. Back.

token - The MediaSessionCompat.Token. setBadgeIconType public final void setBadgeIconType (int badgeIconType) Sets the badge icon type of the notification. Mar 02, 2016 · Once connected, we’ll gain access to the MediaSessionCompat.Token. The Token is what allows us to then create a MediaControllerCompat . Note: in this case, we connected from within a Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License.


{@link #getSessionToken() session token} to other processes to allow them to. * create a {@link MediaControllerCompat} to interact with the session. *

. * To receive commands, media keys, and other events a {@link Callback} must private val mMediaSession = lazy { MediaSessionCompat(this, MusicService:: }. var tickerSub: Token {. return mMediaSession.value. sessionToken.token as MediaSession.Token.

Android APIs.

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Retrieve a token object that can be used by apps to create a MediaControllerCompat for interacting with this session. The owner of the session is responsible for deciding how to distribute these tokens. On platform versions before LOLLIP

To obtain a token for a media2 MediaSession, Finally, if you attach a MediaSession.Token using setMediaSession (MediaSessionCompat.Token), the System UI can identify this as a notification representing an active media session and respond accordingly (by showing album artwork in the lockscreen, for example). Once connected, we’ll gain access to the MediaSessionCompat.Token. The Token is what allows us to then create a MediaControllerCompat . Note: in this case, we connected from within a token - The MediaSessionCompat.Token. setBadgeIconType public final void setBadgeIconType (int badgeIconType) Sets the badge icon type of the notification.

public getMediaSessionToken() public java.util.List getProviders() Gets information about the route providers currently known to this media router. public MediaRouterParams: getRouterParams() Gets parameters of the media router service associated with this

To obtain a token for a media2 MediaSession, Finally, if you attach a MediaSession.Token using setMediaSession (MediaSessionCompat.Token), the System UI can identify this as a notification representing an active media session and respond accordingly (by showing album artwork in the lockscreen, for example). Once connected, we’ll gain access to the MediaSessionCompat.Token. The Token is what allows us to then create a MediaControllerCompat . Note: in this case, we connected from within a token - The MediaSessionCompat.Token. setBadgeIconType public final void setBadgeIconType (int badgeIconType) Sets the badge icon type of the notification.

To obtain a token for a media2 MediaSession, Finally, if you attach a MediaSession.Token using setMediaSession (MediaSessionCompat.Token), the System UI can identify this as a notification representing an active media session and respond accordingly (by showing album artwork in the lockscreen, for example). Once connected, we’ll gain access to the MediaSessionCompat.Token. The Token is what allows us to then create a MediaControllerCompat . Note: in this case, we connected from within a token - The MediaSessionCompat.Token.